Sep 15, 2009

I Took 103 Pictures.

It may have been overkill, but it is my goal for you to understand the mystery that is the Arenzville Burgoo. Well, you're (I'm) in luck! They have a website.

Surprisingly, it's a pretty comprehensive website. However, what it fails to show you is just how gosh darn HEARTWARMING the Arenzville Burgoo is.

And so, the next few days will be devoted to the Arenzville Burgoo. (Don't worry, there will also be tons of pictures of Hallie. And Anna, actually).

I'll start with the actual Burgoo part of it all. Basically they have these huge kettles with giganic stirrers that stir (obviously) a whole boatload of meat and veggies. (And don't anyone tell you there is kitty cat in the Burgoo. They lie. And don't let them (dave) "meow" just as you're putting your spoon to your mouth.)

So then it is stirred into a mushy stew that I personally do not love. I like more chunks, I suppose. My daughter, however, loved it. And thank you to Bob for supplying her with the "chili."

She loved it.

So that is Burgoo. Tomorrow will be devoted to the Frog/Toad/Turtle Races. Gross.

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