Aug 27, 2010

Finally Friday.

What a week, what a week (a la Wicked Witch).

On my way to take Hallie to Irma's, it was as if the entire week was erased. It was a crisp 58 degrees outside, gorgeous sunshine, browning corn and Darius Rucker's new song - come back, so sad song.

That is probably not the correct name.

Anyway, it all reminded me that today was Friday, I was off to visit my mom for the weekend and my boss was out this morning. Awesome.


In other news, Hallie dominated the soccer field last night. Okay, they all sort of ran around and kicked aimlessly, but still! She cried for just a minute when the coach (okay, Ryan) said it was time to start practice. She has nerves like her mom. Nothing wrong with that.

But she bucked up, went out there and loved it. Absolutely loved it. Where are the pictures? Oh, I left my camera at work. But she looked rockin', like a little soccer star.

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