Oct 23, 2009

Early Bird Gets A Spanking.

Just kidding.

So this morning I am taking Hallie for her flu mist (NOT the shot). The appointment is at 9:20, so I asked my boss if I could just come in after. Permission was granted.

I was pretty excited to sleep in this morning. I am such a fool.

I heard a thump and a scream at 5:30am. She fell from her bed. It's actually a pretty cute story, but since I didn't take a picture I won't tell it. She came to bed with me for a bit, but she basically pulled, I mean played, with my hair for an hour before I turned cartoons on for her in the living room.

So much for sleeping in!

Pictures from five minutes ago. She found a little sword thingie and is poking it in my kitchen appliances.

Nevermind. Blogger won't upload. Too bad so sad!

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